Help us reach our goal of 1,000 individuals giving $25 a month or more equaling = $25,000 in funds to help veterans and families in need get stable housing, jobs, food, and resources.
Then come back and view our progress on our three fund targets to your right. Donate safe and securely below and choose recurring gift to be a part of our 1,000 needed at $25 a month or more.
Individual Pledges
Churches we need you...
100 Churches or small groups at $100 a month or more to hit our goal
of = $10,000 a month raised from churches and small groups.
Sign up below today!
Then encourage other churches and small groups to help us make a difference in our community and fill our pledges to the right.
Church Pledges
Business Pledges
We are looking for 100 businesses that can stand by our mission and bring help and hope to families and veterans in need. 100 businesses giving a $100 a month or more will give us the final $10,000 a month we need to hit our goal.
Join us today by signing up below.
Donate By Check Or Money Order
Active Grace (our mailing address)
2230 Stafford Road, Ste 115
Plainfield, IN
Designate - 1 team/ 1 goal | Donate in person at Camp Camby - 10740 E CR 700 S, Camby IN - 46113